February 11, 2025

Something special happens on New Year’s Eve when Mitch Polzak and the Royal Deuces play The Warehouse in Port Costa, a hidden town on the Carquinez Strait northeast of San Francisco where Hicks with Sticks captured pictures and “Until I Get My Fill,” a rockabilly romp originally by The Haywoods out of Santa Cruz.  EXCEPT, this video was embedded from the HWS video page on Facebook but didn’t bring over its sound.  Until this problem gets figured out, you can watch and hear it here on FB.

Asia, Neil & Jeanavive with a fraction of Warehouse thrift store chic decor behind them.
Hank Maninger with a horizontal hat and vertical bass.  (NYE can get like that.)
Jose Segue’s mustache and chin whiskers were applied sometime during the night.
Friendly, alcohol-fueled dancers obscure the band as midnight draws ever closer.



Townspeople and rockabilly cats from the East Coast joined the band for a few songs.
Fourteen-year-old Serena Polzak, Mitch’s niece, was a hit with the crowd.
Mitch recognizes big-time Royal Deuces fan, writer Trent Tano, with an award hand-crafted from spare parts.