Welcome to the new Hicks with Sticks site. The archives and photos still need to be loaded, along with a few other tweeks, but here’s what’s new.
- The newsletter has been broken down into individual blog posts that accept comments, use tags and are searchable.
- The posts are in categories so, for example, fans will be able to sort for the CD reviews (once the archives have been loaded.)
- Sound files can be added to the posts; again a work in progress.
- Subsubscribing and unsubscribing has been automated.
- Feeds lead to MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
- The new column at the right summarizes the latest calendar entries and othe useful information.
- There’s a new easy-to-navigate photo gallery that will be loaded soon.
- And the archives have a master index to make browsing easier.
- Notice too the snazzy new HWS icon on your browser tab.
Many thanks to Derek the Scot for the invaluable help with WordPress.
The Botanical Garden Flower Piano Festival, Fri. Sept.16th-20th 2022
9.16.22 3-7p Angela LaFlame appearing in the Celebration Garden.