All the hand wringing prior to Amnesia‘s makeover was for naught. People were understandably jumpy after the Cafe du Nord reworked itself into less of a bar and more of a restaurant. Amnesia is still a bar, it’s still relaxed and it’s a whole lot cleaner from the back-bar to the bathrooms.
The forest of taps has been minimized while the beer selection has been optimized to introduce little known micro-brews that have been taste-tested for Best in Class. The bar itself has been resurfaced and moved forward about two feet. Most, though not all of the table seating on the south wall has been replaced by a ledge to hold drinks giving the floor more standing room, as if anticipating bands with larger draws.
The sound booth has been moved to the corner just inside the door. The arty, dust collecting light fixtures of old have been replaced by more contemporary lighting and the stage and bathrooms have been spiffed up. Both bathrooms are now unisex. The rest of what’s been done amounts to little touches here and there; all cleaned up, though not uncomfortably so.